Hilton Village Archive


The public version of Hilton’s Digital Archive is now available on-line and can be accessed from the link provided below.

The Archive already contains over 3000 pictures and more are being added all the time. Scanned images include documents and maps, some dating back to the 17th Century, pictures of people, buildings and places, celebrations, archaeological finds and copies of various scrapbooks and magazines. All can be viewed online or downloaded in high resolution.

The Archive makes use of software which displays captions and other details with the images, drawn from data embedded in the scanned files.  The Picasa web album software and face recognition previously used is no longer supported by Google.

Work on creating the Archive began in 2007 following an enquiry to the website from a retired American serviceman who lived in Kidman’s Cottage in the 1950s. On contacting the present owner, Olive Stokes, we found that she had compiled a wealth of information in scrapbooks over the years and was happy to make these available for scanning. Generous help with archive material was also provided by Richard Garnett, Amanda Howard, Lynn Norton, Margaret Peters, Sally Roberts, Beverley Tack, the Norris Museum, the Hilton WI and many others to whom our thanks are due.

If you have any material likely to be of historical interest to Hilton villagers as well as the wider community – from ancient times to events of yesterday – please contact us and we will arrange to make high resolution copies for adding to the Archive.

Hilton Village Archive Images

Andy Bush and Peter Frazier
Editors, Hilton Village Web Site and Archive
