Hilton Traffic Petition
You will have seen that the Parish Council have posted a flyer through your letter box regarding a petition (copy HERE) and we would be most grateful if you could support this important campaign to get a 24 hour HGV ban through the village. Please sign and return (as per the instructions) or email the Parish Clerk (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) with your names (remember every person in your household can sign) and address please.
Unfortunately there were a couple of important errors in the flyer. According the CCC report (copy can be found HERE) that references the traffic survey that took place on the B1040 in July 2019 on page 15, there were in fact 60,935 vehicles that travelled through the village per week of which 7,805 were HGVs (not 8705 vehicles and 1115 HGVs as per the flyer), so you can really appreciate the problem.