The Arts Society Huntingdonshire Monthly Meetings
The Arts Society Huntingdonshire meets monthly in the Burgess Hall to listen to a lecture on an aspect of fine art. Subjects range from painting to sculpture, design, jewellery, architecture, photography, cartoons …even art fraud. Lecturers are selected at a national level and travel around the country to various societies. They are all excellent.
The programme for the first months of next year is typical of the variety in each series.
9th January James Whistler The Gentle Art of Making Enemies by Douglas Skeggs
13th February Scandinavian Design in the 20th Century Northern Lights by Deborah Lambert (for 20 years an expert on the Antiques Roadshow)
13th March American Art Indians Buffalo and Storms by Tony Faber
10th April PetraCaravan Cityof the Ancient Arabs by Dr. Neil Faulkner
Doors open at 2.00. Lectures begin at 2.30. Tea and coffee served afterwards.
It is £42 for a year’s membership, but visitors are welcome to any lecture at a cost of £7.00
Outings and gallery visits are also organised
Ring Claire Sarkies on 01480-830412 if you would like further information.